
Syth and Axe (Part 10) : The Dark Watchers and the Dogmen

  Syth and Axe vol. 10 - The Watchers in the Dark 1937 - Southern California mountains, somewhere near the coast. Bill stepped out in the warm darkness of of the plains and looked off into the mountains. “Santa Lucia, eh? Oh, Paul, you would’ve loved this place.” He hadn’t been to this part of California since… well, since he came over and stole the rain to make the Rio Grande - at least if the legends were to be believed. It may have been a little more supernatural than physical, but he may have been responsible for a few of the droughts that had plagued the region since then. Most days, he didn’t dare show his face. Several tribes had a bounty on whoever has stolen that particular… artifact… and he didn’t intend to sacrifice his beautiful blonde curls to some… mythology. The sunlight shimmered through the sky. And there, as if on cue, was a dark-clad figure, silhouetted and backlit by the setting sun. “So you are real…” He watched the figure for a while longer, his hand absentl