
Showing posts from October, 2021

Parallax Realms - Keryssa: the Root of it All

  Keryssa               Keryssa stood on the beach, looking out over a seething mass of tendrils and vines.               “It can’t cross the water, right?”               “As far as I’ve seen. Don’t want to give it the opportunity.” Her friend, Talon, stepped to her side, leonine pelt shimmering with sweat. A series of bodies, roughly human in appearance, shambled along the beach, small tendrils extending back into the forest like some grotesque puppets. “Those ones in the back, with the tendril beards, look like they’re in charge.”               “What are they doing?” Talon had asked.               Keryssa shook her head. “I’m not sure.”               A tendril stretched from the jungles as the body shuffled forward, flopping into the water, twitching, and apparently dying. Another followed suit. The commanders in the back called up more and more.               “It’s feeling its way across. It’s using their corpses as a bridge,” she said with astonished horror.