
Showing posts from June, 2024

Syth and Axe (Part 9) : Those Who Fight with Giants...

 Read part 1 here: Syth and Axe vol 9 1925 - Somewhere in the wilderness of Canada “Another colony… massacred…” Alma groaned, settling herself down on a nearby snow-covered log. A seam in the ground marked the spot where she’d laid another group of her people to rest. Each one had been slaughtered to a man and left to rot. It was a good thing they’d found these scenes before any humans had. Fresh snowfall had covered much of the chaos, but mounts here and there showed the evidence of where the destruction had been. And so much blood… the snow had almost not been able to cover it all… Alma felt the strain running through her body. Her hand absently rose to the spot on her neck where the keystone should have been. The creatures had ambushed them and had stolen it in the chaos. She still had the patches of regrowing hair across her back as evidence of the injuries. She flexed her hands, watching