Let's Beta Test my New Novel

 Parallax Realms (working title) started out as a simple premise - write a story where the characters don't know what's going on, and where they're not the ones driving the main plot forward. Sure, a good protagonist is active, pushing the actions of others forward so that the main storyline comes around to a satisfying finish... but what if we didn't?

What if there was a story with several self-contained plot points - growing characters, interesting worlds, intrigue, overlap, etc... but the main thrust of the story wasn't the work of any of the protagonists. What if most of them had no idea the impact of their actions. What if each character was a self-obsessed jerk - with both good and bad qualities - that came down on sympathetic, though opposite, sides of the conflict?

Thus was Parallax Realms born.

It started as an interlaced storyline, hopping from character to character, until I decided that the best impact would be to focus on one character at a time - as if it were about eight individual novellas that all contributed to the overarching plot of the whole book.

With that said, enjoy and let me know what you think. It's still much a work in progress. I'm comparing timelines, story beats, overlap points, and even "foreshadowing." It needs to be like fine spice - just enough to make it interesting, but not so much as to burn your nose.

Without further ado... enjoy and critique!


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